Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Have your ass backing up

There's a version of Murphy's law said: "you only need a back-up when you don't have one"

So today it was applied to me, magically damage 3 chapters of my work. Even a weekly backup to an external device still can't save my ass, because after little inventory I found that the files on the archive were damaged as well.

Luckily enough there is something call Gmail, for which I mail my work to once in a while. So I have been able to get back my 3 chapters, sitting safely in a sever somewhere else across the ocean.

But for regular backing up Gmail is not enough because it can't handle file versioning and incremental work. So to add a little bit to the world of paranoid over safety, I setup an account at For a free service you will have 2 G storage, and a tiny software (also call desktop client). So basically you tell the client what files / folder to watch, and how often to backup your work, 1 a day, 1 a week .ect, and that is it. Your data will be securely encrypted and send to Mozy secured server. There are also one button restore function, which I haven't tested yet, and hope not have to use in the near future.

To my 1st experience, Mozy is very fast, easy to setup, easy interface. Practically, it's good enough to backup your important writing material, but not the entire work / entertain archive, provided the limited ADSL speed.

So for your guys who are unlucky enough to have writing assignment other than blogging, consider for a little more peace of mind.

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