Thursday, April 14, 2005

ASAR trick and banana

Found a solution to compute incident angle from ASAR. The trick is to interpolate it using BEAM. In fact BEAM have build-in equation for this task but they just hide it in a way that no body can find it.

This is much easier than implement the interpolate equation in which we have to solve the spatial relationship of each pixel with with 11x11 geocoded points. Step by step procedure are:
- open ASAR image in BEAM
- Tool/Airthmetic -----> compute new band
- Select incident angle as variation to be compute
- A new image with incident angle value created
- Save this new image to DIMAP format
- Use ENVI to read DIMAP - note some time ENVI can't read DIMAP header, so be prepare to config Header manually, with information on number of bands, line and row
Beside this boring computing stuff, there is nothing fun for the rest of the day, except having a bag of banana from Eric. Seem that he bough a big box from Hutchison and can't manage to it all. Anyway he is such a nice guy for sharing this. Have to eat some now.

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